Signing in to the AWS Console

Signing in to the AWS Management Console

If you are running these labs in a formal, instructional setting, please use the Console URL, and credentials provided to you to access and log into the AWS Management Console. Otherwise, use your own credentials.

You can access the console at or through the Single Sign-On (SSO) mechanism provided by your organization.

AWS Signin page

If you are running these labs in a formal, instructional setting, please use the AWS region provided. Ensure the correct AWS region is selected in the top right corner. If not, use that dropdown to choose the correct region. Currently this lab is designed to work in US-East-1 region.

Select Region

Launch CloudFormation Template

Link Description
Launch CloudFormation Template Click “Launch Stack” button to create required VPC, Subnets, Security Groups,Cloud9 Environment, S3 bucket and Neptune Cluster.

After you click the Launch Stack button above you will see “Quick create stack” page, here you are going to specify stack name , set parameters as per below screenshot.

Quick Create Stack

Scroll to the bottom, check both boxes and click Create stack.

Acknowledge the terms

After this you can move on to Configure AWS Cloud9 that will setup required environment.