Explore Mastered Data

Prerequisites : This lab requires Prerequisites and Lab 1 to be completed before you can continue.

This section uses jupyter notebooks to query, explore and visualize data in Amazon Neptune. Jupyter notebook is very handy when building and analyzing apps. If you wish to build standalone apps then this blog explaining. A Jupyter Notebok has already been provisioned as part of this event.

Follow the following to start Lab 4 Jupyter Notebook:

  1. Start Jupyter Notebook by clicking here.
  2. You will be directed to Jupter Notebook homepage. Click on the Neptune folder as shown below. select-notebook
  3. Under that you will find C360-Workshop folder where you can find Lab 04 Explore Master Data.ipynb notebook. select-notebook

You will need to run through Step 1 to 6 to finish this lab. Rest of the instructions are inside the notebook itself.