Query ML Matched data

PART B: Query ML Matched data using Athena.

1. Navigate to the AWS Athena Console

2. Once in Athena console, Choose Data Source as AwsDataCatalog and Database as C360_workshop_db
Step - 2

3. On the AWS Athena menu, copy and paste below SQL command in Query Editor to create customer_master_vw.

CREATE view customer_master_vw AS SELECT match_id AS uci_id,
       dup_cnt, id, split_part(id,'-', 1) AS src_id,
       split_part(id, '-', 2) AS src,
       first_name, last_name, company,
       ssn, date_of_birth, home_phone FROM (SELECT *,count(*) OVER (partition by match_id) AS dup_cnt FROM "c360_workshop_db"."ml_matched_auto_property")

Step - 3

4. Verify that the view was created successfully. Step - 4

5. Run below query to check sample duplicate records

FROM customer_master_vw
WHERE first_name like 'Jam%' and last_name like 'Sanchez%';

Step - 5

This completes Lab 3B. Please continue to Lab 4.

Goto Neptune Lab 4 section