Validating tables created for Auto and Property S3 data source

Prerequisites : This lab requires Prerequisites to be completed before you can continue. Please continue if you have already completed the prerequisites.

PART B: Verify the data using AWS Athena. Change the Serde for Tables.

1. Once the source data are crawled and collected using AWS Glue Crawler. 5 tables are added to Database c360_workshop_db Goto AWS Glue Console and click on Tables. Select source_auto_address goto “Action” and chose “view data” . This will take you to Athena console. Step - 21

2. Once the Athena console opens.

Please use Athena new Console. Step - 21

Click Settings, Manage

for “Location of query result” Browse S3 bucket s3://mod-xxxx-s3bucketstack-xxxxx-s3bucket-xxxx/ . Please note add "/" at the end of the bucket name. Step - 22

Step - 22.1

3. click save

4. Go back to Editor in Athena. Chose Database as C360_workshop_db for the table “source_auto_address” preview the data for the table. Step - 22.1

5. Output will look like below, Due to embeded , in data zipcode column is empty.
Step - 22.1

6. To correct embeded comma. Navigate to the AWS Glue Console Step - 1

7. Goto Data catalog -> Databases -> “c360_workshop_db” -> “Tables in c360_workshop_db”. Select table “source_auto_address” -> Action -> “Edit Table details”.

Edit and Replace with below value

Serde serialization lib


key quoteChar Value " key separatorChar Value ,

Step - 22.1

8. Click Apply, Repeat the step 7 for “source_auto_customer”,“source_property_customers” Tables.

9. Check the Preview data in Athena ( Select the table “source_auto_address” for “view data” ). Step - 22.1