Get Started Using the Lab Environment

Before you can use the resources in the lab environment, you need to complete a few steps.

If you are attending a formal event, such as a workshop or other training, your instructor will provide specific guidance on how to start. Typically you will be provided an AWS account through a platform called Event Engine, and the lab environment has already been deployed in that account for you. In this case, choose I am in a workshop using Event Engine link below.

If you are trying these labs out yourself, in your own account, or you are attending a formal event and your instructor has specifically instructed you to deploy the lab environment manually, choose the I need to deploy lab environment manually link below.

You will also need to finish few tasks in Cloud9 environment as part of prerequisites.

When selecting the region to start resources, make sure you keep the same region and that you use the same througout the workshop. If using a hosted AWS account please use the region as recommended by your host.